Friday, February 17, 2012

I Will Stand By You


I will help you through…

I am feeling better about my weight loss journey this time around. I feel like I am more in-control and more observant of what I need to be doing in order to slim down and stay that way. I’ve spent so much time feeling sad, mad, ugly etc., I’m just so ready for a change.

That’s not to say that this isn’t hard, because it is, but I am committed to doing it. I think that my dedication to checking into the WW Message Boards daily and seeing the progress and the ups and the downs of so many people in similar situations has been quite helpful this week. I hope that I can continue on a successful path and getting myself back to a place where I want to be.

I want to look good and feel good in my skin - I want to stop feeling like I need to hide myself and make myself as invisible as possible (which is hard to do when you are this big). I just want to be me and to live my life and to be happy…I will get there…I know I will.

I posted a video below of Rascal Flatts singing “I Won’t Let Go.” It’s an amazing song and has such beautiful words…it literally melted my heart when they performed it on the CMT Awards last night. I think it can apply to so many different situations, which makes it a truly special song. Enjoy!

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