Friday, February 17, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Condensed

I started the 30 Day Challenge on Tumblr, but sadly never finished it. Here's a reproduction of the days that I DID do - this was all posted on Tumblr sometime during the summer - probably from June-July.

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

Day 1 - Your Stats?

HW/SW: 234.0

CW: 230.2

UGW: 135.0

I know that 135 seems like such a far way off, but 135 is right in the middle of my healthy weight range for my height. I feel like this will be a good point to be at, but I would honestly probably be happy at 145 or even 150. Only time can tell!

30 Day Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 - How tall are you? Do you like your height?

I am 5’4. I am okay with my height. A few more inches wouldn’t hurt, but I’ve never found myself wishing that I was taller.

30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Day 3 - A picture of your thinspiration. What features do you like about this person?

This is me…in 2005. Things I love about this picture and why it’s my thinsperation:

  1. It’s me.
  2. You can see my neck bones/collarbone
  3. My face looks thin - no double chin
  4. My arms look great
  5. My boobs look nice
  6. I am tan
  7. I AM THIN!

I find this to be incredibly more inspiring than any picture of some random model/skinny person from a magazine. Am I a size 0 in this picture? No. Do I think I will ever be a size 0? Absolutely not. I use this as inspiration because I know that it is an attainable goal and that I can, if I put my mind to it, look like this again.

30 Day Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 - What are your greatest fears about weight loss?

Naturally, I think my greatest fear is failure. I’ve been down this road before and I have been successful once [a long time ago], but I have also failed in many attempts over the past 6 years. I am thinking and feeling that this time is different. This is the time. Maybe it’s because I realize that I only have one year of school left before I enter the real world. Maybe it’s because in the back of my mind I think that my boyfriend and I might get engaged next year [we’ve been together 7.5 years and we’ve always said engagement/marriage would come after I finished school], and I want to look good and feelcomfortable in any engagement photos and subsequent wedding photos.

I just know that the time to work towards ‘thin’ is now, and I’m in control and making it happen.

30 Day Challenge - Days 5 & 6

I got a little sidetracked this weekend and missed a day - so I’m going to try and get in days 5 & 6 before midnight.

Day 5 - Why do you really want to lose this weight? Are you doing it for you?

I really want to lose this weight because I want to feel good in my own skin. I want to be able to go out of the house without feeling uncomfortable. I want to be happy. I want to be healthy. I am absolutely doing this for me.

Day 6 - Do you binge? If so, explain why you think you do.

Simple answer - no, I don’t binge. I am doing this the healthy way. Even before I was actively working on losing weight, I would eat fattening foods and make unhealthy choices, but I wouldn’t consider anything that I did “binging.”

30 Day Challenge - Days 7&8

Day 7 - Do your parents know you are trying to lose weight? Do they care?

Yes, my parents and most people I talk to know that I am trying to lose weight. I have no shame in telling people that I want to slim down and be happier and healthier. I know that my parents care - they want me to be happy and healthy too. The first time I did Weight Watchers back in high school my mom actually did it with me. Myparents are super supportive and I want to make them proud by slimming down to a healthy and more normal weight.

Day 8 - Your Workout Routine.

I don’t have a workout routine. I’m still trying to get into the swing of things and I have been to the gym a few times but I still need to arrange a regular schedule. I know that exercise is an important part of my weight loss journey, so I’m hoping to get into a routine sometime very soon.

30 Day Challenge - Day 9

So, I have been slacking a little in keeping my blog up to date. This past week was really busy at work, and I just haven’t had a chance to come on here. Because of this, I’m just going to continue my 30 day challenge as if it is still day 9 (even though I missed a bunch in between).

Day 9 - Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?

I could probably write a book on this, but I won’t. It all started back in elementary school when I wasn’t even that big - I wasn’t even overweight, but mean little boys began calling me mean names related to my weight. I think one of their favorite names for me was ”earthquake.” Honestly, I let it bother me for a long time but I can say that I’ve gotten over it. There was, however, an incident a few months ago that I have not gotten over. It will probably take a while for me to get past it, but it also continues to be a huge ‘motivation’ factor in my weight loss. I actually blogged about it on my WW blog and titled it “Sticks and Stones” - I’m just going to copy and paste it here:

Ugh. Where do I even begin. I am a long time WW’er who was once extremely successful on this program and at my goal weight. Enter college, enter college drama, enter law school…I’ve been on and off WW for the past 6 years and right now I am at my highest weight ever.

It’s not hard for me to admit that, and it’s not hard for me to admit that the only person I have to blame is myself. It stings when I find myself having to buy larger clothing instead of smaller, bigger bras, etc. It stings that I no longer feel comfortable in my own body and I refuse to allow people to take pictures of me and I am just generally extremely unhappy. I have conversations with my mom about how I know what I need to do - and I do - I have all the tools, I know the program, and I know how to follow it. I’ve just had a hard time getting back on the wagon - after having such an easy time losing the first time I was on WW, I haven’t everbeen able to achieve the same success.

After all this I don’t think I’ve ever had that ‘all time low’ feeling. I though I had, but I can honestly say that tonight was my all time low.

My boyfriend is a hockey player and he’s injured right now but we still went to the game to support his team. Now, mind you, this is an adult men’s league (not the NHL ha). There were some fans for the other team that were being incredibly obnoxious and yelling and saying that the refs were blowing the game etc. etc. Then, one girl said something like “You’re a grown man shut your mouth” to one of the refs. So, of course I, against my better judgment, decided to say “Well, you’re a grown woman, so you’re just as bad as he is..” Maybe I brought it on myself and maybe I deserved it, but when she turned around and called me a fat ass, I think it was the worst feeling in the world.

So as my blog name suggests, I really can’t agree that words will never hurt me. I think that words are the most hurtful thing in the world, and I think I need to really start rethinking my goals and try to figure this out. I need to stop making excuses, I need to start following the plan instead of pretending, I need to go back to themeetings and I need to do it for myself and my integrity and to ensure that I don’t allow another stupid girl to make me feel like total and complete garbage.”

It’s been a few months since I wrote that post, and I can’t believe how different my world is now. I did go back to the meetings, I did get back on track and I have been more successful on the program now than I have been in 6 years. Granted, I still have a long way to go, but I have lost weight every week and I am following the plan, tracking points and feeling better about myself and my choices. So, Day 9, yes, people have made comments to me about my weight, but I am well on my way to changing that. Hey, maybe one day someone will tell me I look skinny…

30 Day Challenge - Day 11

Woo! I’m actually posting for two consecutive days.

Day 11 - What is your favorite “thinspiration” blog and why?

I’m going to be vain and say that my favorite thinspiration blog is my own. I find that having the opportunity to come and write about my feelings, my struggles, my thoughts and my goals is incredibly helpful for my WLJ. In the past, I have started and stopped a few blogs pertaining to my weight loss, and I feel that if I had been invested in those blogs as I am in this one, my WLJ might have been different and more successful.

And now, a history of my “journies” with journals and blogs…When I was younger, I had a mini black binder that I used as a “journal.” I think I started writing in it in middle school. I wrote about everything - fights with my parents, fights with my friends, happy days, sad days, etc. I used that little black binder well into high school. It became a close friend when I started dating Darryl - especially since my parents were against our relationship and didn’t let us see each other for the first four months of it (that’s a whole other blog post - needless to say, we have been together for over seven and a half years and I’m pretty sure my parents like him more than me now..). A few years ago I stumbled on my little black binder - read it cover to cover, and then destroyed all the entries except for the final entry where I declared that I was finally writing about something happy and positive. At that moment, I decided that my past is my past and it lives in my memory. I didn’t need a little black binder full of negativity in my life, so I destroyed it.

I’ve always loved to write and I know I need to have a blog to keep me motivated, but I try (and I think I have been successful) to only write entries that are either entirely positive or, at the very least, end on a positive note. It is important to recognize the negative things, but it is even more important not to dwell on that negativity and, instead, to look for a positive solution or thought to end the post. It brings me back to my days working as a head resident assistant where we were constantly told to approach problems with the RAs that we supervised by using a “compliment sandwich.” Basically, this means opening the conversation with something positive that the RA does, then giving the criticism, and ending with a positive way to reach a solution and/or another positive aspect of their abilities. This way, the RA would know what needed work, but wouldn’t be left with a sour taste in his/her mouth. I feel like I need to approach my blog and my weight loss the same way. Constant negativity is not going to be effective for me.

In addition to my little black binder, I also had a live journal. That journal still lives in the interwebs, and every now and then I log on to see what my life was like during my early years of high school. It’s fun to laugh at the things that worried me and see how silly some of the things I did were. One of these days I will probably delete that journal and store those memories in a filing cabinet in my brain, just like I’ve stored that little black binder.

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