About Me

My name is Sara and I am a 25 year old native of New Jersey. I grew up in North Jersey and went to college in Pennsylvania. Currently, I in my final semester of law school. I'm sure I mention it enough on my blog, but I absolutely cannot wait for law school to be over. This is my journey through my final year as well as my [fifth?] attempt to lose the weight that has been accumulating over the past 6 years.
There are a lot of boring details about why I gained weight and how many times I have tried [and ultimately failed] to lose all the weight. I’ll try to tell you the simple version: I joined Weight Watchers and lost 30 pounds as a senior in high school to bring myself down to a weight of 135 pounds. During my first year of college I gained most of that back, but subsequently dropped most of it during the summer between my freshman and sophomore years. Starting sophomore year the scale slowly started creeping back up until I hit my highest weight of 185 pounds. I bounced between 180 and 195 for the remainder of my college years. Enter law school. No time to think, no time to prepare smart dinners, no time to work out, no time to be myself, no time for anything but school. When I look back now, I wish I could have slapped myself across the face and told myself to snap out of it - that my health was [gasp] more important than law school. Unfortunately, I gained a ton of weight that year and I have been unsuccessfully attempting to lose it since. I managed to ‘maintain’ during 2L, and now I’m ready…ready to make a serious change.
So, if you will, join me and follow my progress as I lose my mind, and hopefully my weight, during my final year of law school.